Winter down West

Posted on: 12/17/17 4:09 PM

Winter has well and truly arrived. Most of the country has been covered in snow and freezing temperatures, but not us here in Newquay. A positively balmy 3 degrees.

We couldn’t have picked worse weather to go away for a break, but you can’t move your anniversary just because the sun isn’t shining! St Ives was very festive, lovely  street lights, and shop windows, and all the pubs had lovely roaring fires. I can highly recommend the Pedn Olva. Fantastic accommodation with views to die for, and the food was great as well. We braved the weather and visited Geevor Tin Mine. My dad was a miner down Southcrofty when he was very young, so I felt I had to see what it was like. Very scary, but interesting. Then, in a break in the weather, we headed down to Botalack, probably one of the most photographed mines in Cornwall. It was so rough we almost got blown away, but Mike did get some good shots. No pain, no gain as the saying goes!