
Here we go again!

Summer No 46 is just around the corner and for the first time ever, the house has not been wrecked during the winter for alterations, they’ve all been done! Just the new stair carpet to be laid before the summer arrives.

We’re slowing down a bit now, so are only open from the end of May until the end of September.

We refined our breakfast ideas last summer with help from guests old and new in deciding the menu and delivery, so now we offer a really varied choice delivered to your room between 8.00 am and 9.30 am. They all loved the idea of not having to get up early and dressed for the dining room. Instead they could have pretty much what they wanted when they wanted it sat in their Jim Jams!

43 years and counting

On February 28th 2021 Wenden will have been part of our lives for 43 years. Everyone keeps asking me when am I going to retire! Who could have imagined a year ago what was ahead of us all, and what is still ahead of us now. We have always changed with the times and now is the time for yet another reincarnation.

Sadly, we are no longer able to offer breakfast in our lovely dining room, so it will now serve as a small gallery for our photos and art work along with Mike’s framing business.

Rooms 5 & 6 are no more, they have now been turned into one lovely big room which means we can have a table and chairs in every room, so somewhere to sit and eat the breakfast bags we will have on offer.

Here’s hoping I will have had both my jab’s by the time we open in May, and we can all feel at lot safer by then.


After one of the coldest, longest springs I can remember, the weather has turned at last. It didn’t help that the whole country was basking in the high 20’s over the bank holiday week-end while we were shrouded in sea mist and 12 degrees.

Our very first visit to a garden I had wanted to see for years, but as it’s open times are very limited we’ve never made it till now. For just a couple of weeks a year it looks like this. Amazing!!!!!

Enys Gardens 


Winter down West


Winter has well and truly arrived. Most of the country has been covered in snow and freezing temperatures, but not us here in Newquay. A positively balmy 3 degrees.

We couldn’t have picked worse weather to go away for a break, but you can’t move your anniversary just because the sun isn’t shining! St Ives was very festive, lovely  street lights, and shop windows, and all the pubs had lovely roaring fires. I can highly recommend the Pedn Olva. Fantastic accommodation with views to die for, and the food was great as well. We braved the weather and visited Geevor Tin Mine. My dad was a miner down Southcrofty when he was very young, so I felt I had to see what it was like. Very scary, but interesting. Then, in a break in the weather, we headed down to Botalack, probably one of the most photographed mines in Cornwall. It was so rough we almost got blown away, but Mike did get some good shots. No pain, no gain as the saying goes!


Another season almost over, time to reflect and remember. 40 seasons under my belt, I think I’m getting the hang of it now!

What lovely guests we’ve had this year, thanks to all of you for making it such a great year to remember.

Seem’s such a far cry from the first years, 20 people all crammed into the dining room for breakfast and dinner, and all having to share one bath and two loo’s !! I think there might be a law a against that now days.

It may be the rose tinted glasses, but I’m sure the summers were better than this years, I don’t remember having so much rain!

Another new beginning, my third new website. It’s great that every change you do can be shown instantly, unlike the old Newquay Guide, when your advert had to be in by May for the following year! Some things do change for the better.

Trebah Gardens


It was the perfect time to visit Trebah Gardens.

The hydrangeas were out at their very best.

Beautiful big blooms in every shade of blue and purple. The tree ferns and bamboos are quite spectacular, and the agapanthus are just starting flower, so will really come into there own in the next few weeks.

Lovely warm day with just a little sun, so not too hot, and no crowds yet.

Lunch was lovely and the citrus cheesecake was to die for!!!